Saturday, May 12, 2007

Freedom to Marry

Today, let me divert you to what I believe is the most articulate, and most straight-to-the-point essay (blog entry) on Gay Marriage:

What's in a Word? Plenty, if it's "Marriage" by Geroge Lakoff

In his essay, the truly brilliant and insightful, George Lakoff reminds us that "Progressives need to reclaim the moral high ground--of the grand American tradition of freedom, fairness, human dignity, and full equality under the law."

Furthermore, he states that "it is our job as ordinary citizens to reframe the debate, in everything we say and write, in terms of our moral principles."

Lakoff contends that the definition of marriage, is the key to a debate on the subject. "Marriage is an institution, the public expression of lifelong commitment based on love." While, economic fairness is important, it is "beside the point," in the debate. Fundamentally, marriage is about the sacredness of love and commitment.

So, when someone asks you "Do you think gays should be able to marry?" A great response would be, "I believe in equal rights. I don't think the state should be in the business of telling people who they can, or can't, marry. Marriage is about love and commitment, and denying lovers the right to marry is a violation of human rights and human dignity."

Need more enlightenment? George Lakoff's blog, which is one of my favorite blogs, is

The Holiday

It's after midnight here...just wiping tears away...just watched The Holiday with Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jack Black, Jude Law, and Rufus Sewell.

...What a wonderful, touching, romantic comedy! I had low expectations for it, but it would seem, that the trailers had "sold it short."

It was a much "deeper" movie than I had expected. I loved it. I really loved it!

How could I not love this movie--the soundtrack was very even included two songs from Imogene Heap/Frou Frou, AND one from James Taylor!

Rent won't be sorry!

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Original Mother's Day Was Conceived to Bring Warfare to an End

Julia Ward Howe, the author of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," wrote the original Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870, calling upon the women of the world to UNITE FOR PEACE!

Howe had just witnessed the carnage of the American Civil War, and the start of the Franco-Prussian War.

In honor, and respect, for the true purpose of Mother's Day—which is this Sunday—and on behalf of "No More Victims," a non-profit organization which brings war-injured Iraqi children to the United States for medical treatment--this beautiful video was produced:

This Mother's Day, celebrate the true meaning of the holiday by giving your mother an e-card with a donation to No More Victims:

Please share this with every mother and daughter that you love!!!

Spiritual People Inspire Me, Religious People Frighten Me

Recently in San Francisco, I bought a pin that says, "If religious groups want to get into politics, they should pay taxes." Not a bad idea, huh?

Certainly, there is no question that the separation of church and state is narrowing, at an alarming pace.

Our elected officials, and religious leaders, seem equally intent on ignoring the Constitution of the United States.

We already know what G.W. Bush & friends have to say---that we must "protect marriage" (you know, from those loving and devoted homosexual couples and parents), and that we must "protect the sanctity of life" (although this doesn't seem to apply to Iraqis, Iranians, or to people awaiting execution, for crimes which they may--or may not--have committed.)

Moreover, the Catholic Church, many Protestant churches, and some Jewish and Muslim religious organizations are further conflating religion and politics in America.

Recently, Conservative evangelical leader James Dobson said that actor, and former Senator, Fred Thompson wasn't "Christian enough" to be president of the United States. However, Dobson went on to approve Newt Gingrich--you know, that guy who has been married three times and recently admitted to having an extramarital affair. (I believe that Ted Haggard was Dobson's first choice for 2008, but then he had that little kerfuffle of "acting out.")

In 2002, five evangelical Christian leaders signed the "Land Letter" and presented it to President Bush, affirming a "Christian theological basis" to invade Iraq.

This very week, Cardinal Roger Mahoney--head of the Los Angeles Archdiocese--threatened his faithful with denial of heaven if they didn't support amnesty for illegal aliens. Cardinal Mahoney stated, "Anything that tears down one group of people or one person, anything that is a negative in our community, disqualifies us from being part of the eternal city." (Oh, reeeally? Why don't we ask him what he thinks about freedom for homosexual couples to marry!)

And, please don't get me started on the Pope—okay, I can't help myself—was he infallible *before,* or *after,* he was a Nazi?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Did you just say, "War is Peace?"

As most of us know, language is quite powerful.

Bush and Co. (Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, "neo-conservative think-tanker, Frank Luntz," etc.) have coined very effective phrases, such as "tax relief," "death tax," "culture wars," "culture of life," "compassionate conservative," "liberation of Iraq," etc. This is known as neo-conservative language "framing."

This "cognitive" framing is surprisingly powerful and surreptitious. For example, more Americans refer to the issue of reproductive rights as "Pro-Life vs. Pro-Abortion," instead of as "Anti-Choice vs. Pro-Choice."

One such Orwellian phrase, in particular, is "the global war on terror," and it's acronym, "The GWOT."

"The GWOT" is generously sloshed around in the media, by the White House, by Republicans, and now, quite ironically, by ALL of the DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES.

Yes, they all went for it, hook, line, and sinker—like rainbow trout with a slimy, silicone worm in their mouths—they have ALL chewed on this cleverly-crafted phrase, slipping it into their speeches, Web sites, press releases--you name it!

HOWEVER, it is only John Edwards (so far), who has admitted (very recently) to his faux pas of perpetuating this neo-con jargon. Actually, Edwards called it "a Bush-created political phrase," and he said that he will no longer use it! Yes, John Edwards saw it for what it was, and he decried it! (My hero!)

Here's the full story--paraphrased for your busy schedules—from this week's TIME magazine:

At last month's Democrat debate in South Carolina, moderator Brian Williams asked the eight Democratic presidential candidates to raise their hands if there "is such a thing as a global war on terror." Senator Hillary Clinton's hand shot up. After hesitating noticeably, Senator Barack Obama joined her. However, John Edwards was among those who did not.

"This political language has created a frame that is not accurate, and that Bush and his gang have used to justify anything they want to do," Edwards said in a phone interview from Everett, Wash. "It's been used to justify a whole series of things that are not justifiable, ranging from the war in Iraq, to torture, to violation of the civil liberties of Americans, to illegal spying on Americans. Anyone who speaks out against these things is treated as unpatriotic. I also think it suggests that there's a fixed enemy that we can defeat with just a military campaign. I just don't think that's true."

The White House, for its part, insists President Bush isn't changing his policy--or his vocabulary.


Get Smarter: George Lakoff's lecture, "Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think," which delves into "framing," and metaphorical thought--

Need a laugh (and a cry):

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Inauguration of Persephone's Pen

Welcome Dear Friends and Strangers,

Here is my blog-finally-after much coaxing by JNS! I plan to include my raves & rantings (especially about politics and current events), favorite quotes, video clips,
lists...and perhaps my own photography.

"The Colbert Report" was hilarious tonight. The interviews with Salman Rushdie, and Jane Fonda, were hilarious!

