Thursday, January 3, 2008


Sen. Barack Obama just finished his speech. WOW! Brilliant. Inspiring. He is truly a great orator. I think his message of change and hope has resonated strongly with Iowa voters.

In this speech, Obama came off sounding like a "uniter" of Americans. (By contrast, Clinton sounded like a divider.)

I think that voters really believe that Obama is someone who will get us out of Iraq.

I also believe strongly that John Edwards is the one who has the passion and integrity to take on Corporate America.

Dodd and Biden have dropped out of the race.

Well, it's time for bed. What a night!

The Latest...

Obama 38%
Edwards 30%
Clinton 29%

Huckabee 34%
Romney 25%
McCain 14%

Change won over money: Edwards was out-spent by 6 to 1, Huckabee was out-spent 15 to 1.

I just watched Edwards and Clinton's speeches on CNN. Huckabee is now speaking.


This just in...

Obama 36%
Edwards 31%
Clinton 30%

I've been saying Edwards/Obama or Obama/Edwards for 2008!

What is fascinating is that Independents gave Obama the win. Independents also placed Edwards second, and Clinton a distant third.

Moreover, there was an incredible turn out for Democrats this year--a reported double the number over the last Iowa Caucuses.

It's been a dramatic night!

OMG! OMG! The Iowa Caucuses!

I'm watching live coverage of the Iowa Caucuses now. This democratic process is really, really fascinating!

CNN posted an interesting article about the Iowa Causes this morning:

It's just short of 9 p.m. and with 17% of the Democratic caucuses reporting the results are:

34% Edwards
33% Obama
33% Clinton

These numbers will surely change, but will probably stay fairly close into a near three-way tie. Boy, do I LOVE seeing John Edwards take off!

On the Republican side:

So far, Huckabee looks like the clear winner...a major upset to slimy, Mitt Romney. Ahem, Ron Paul is no where on the map. Love it!