Freedom to Marry
Today, let me divert you to what I believe is the most articulate, and most straight-to-the-point essay (blog entry) on Gay Marriage:
What's in a Word? Plenty, if it's "Marriage" by Geroge Lakoff
In his essay, the truly brilliant and insightful, George Lakoff reminds us that "Progressives need to reclaim the moral high ground--of the grand American tradition of freedom, fairness, human dignity, and full equality under the law."
Furthermore, he states that "it is our job as ordinary citizens to reframe the debate, in everything we say and write, in terms of our moral principles."
Lakoff contends that the definition of marriage, is the key to a debate on the subject. "Marriage is an institution, the public expression of lifelong commitment based on love." While, economic fairness is important, it is "beside the point," in the debate. Fundamentally, marriage is about the sacredness of love and commitment.
So, when someone asks you "Do you think gays should be able to marry?" A great response would be, "I believe in equal rights. I don't think the state should be in the business of telling people who they can, or can't, marry. Marriage is about love and commitment, and denying lovers the right to marry is a violation of human rights and human dignity."
Need more enlightenment? George Lakoff's blog, which is one of my favorite blogs, is