Saturday, May 12, 2007

Freedom to Marry

Today, let me divert you to what I believe is the most articulate, and most straight-to-the-point essay (blog entry) on Gay Marriage:

What's in a Word? Plenty, if it's "Marriage" by Geroge Lakoff

In his essay, the truly brilliant and insightful, George Lakoff reminds us that "Progressives need to reclaim the moral high ground--of the grand American tradition of freedom, fairness, human dignity, and full equality under the law."

Furthermore, he states that "it is our job as ordinary citizens to reframe the debate, in everything we say and write, in terms of our moral principles."

Lakoff contends that the definition of marriage, is the key to a debate on the subject. "Marriage is an institution, the public expression of lifelong commitment based on love." While, economic fairness is important, it is "beside the point," in the debate. Fundamentally, marriage is about the sacredness of love and commitment.

So, when someone asks you "Do you think gays should be able to marry?" A great response would be, "I believe in equal rights. I don't think the state should be in the business of telling people who they can, or can't, marry. Marriage is about love and commitment, and denying lovers the right to marry is a violation of human rights and human dignity."

Need more enlightenment? George Lakoff's blog, which is one of my favorite blogs, is


Anonymous said...

I am not an American but as an Englishman I could not agree more. It astounds me that the American people allow the dominance of the God-fearing bigots. Without the "respectable" cloak of religion that is what these people are. Of course individuals should be able to marry whoever they wish, regardless of sex.
Why do you have "In God we trust" in your state legislature ? Is this not a breach of the constitutional division of church and state ?
Why is Bush allowed to give federal support to faith-based groups ?
Non theists and free thinkers should unite and stop this nonsense. Faith schools are a euphemism for indoctrination schools. I could continue but need to watch "the holiday"

Anonymous said...

Lakoff should be standard reading for all Americans. Critical thinking is the only antidote to the propaganda that has gripped and misguided America.

"Pro-abortion" is another nonsensical bastardization of language, courtesy of the frothing right-wing neofacists. Regrettably, most Americans have become so muppetized that anything that the GOP belches out is inhaled by the masses, and take as the gospel.

For Christ's sake, America, wake up!

Persephone said...

To Huginn,

It may interest you to know, that according to Richard Turnbull (the principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford), that"Ninety-five per cent of Britons are heading for hell."

Perhaps you didn't get that memo???

Well, no fear, you can read the full story at:,,2086769,00.html

--It was posted on May 24, 2007. It would seem that the English are now enduring what we Americans are becoming "used to."

See ya'in hell, my heathen friend.

Anonymous said...

That is indeed rather disconcerting to say the least...although I comfort myself in the knowldge I still have 95% of the population with me...unlike the U.S. ...where I read approx 50% of the general population.....and THREE Republican president candidates.....refute the evdence of evolution. No doubt they are ecstatic at the newly opended museum of creationism in Kentucky !!
Some guy called Ken Ham states " if we lose faith in the literal truth of genesis, doubts about the virgin birth and Christ's resurrection will follow" YOU DON'T SAY !!

See you in the world that transcends the rules of the known world, allowing any conventions we choose really.....or we can pay our $ 20.00 and visit the creationism museum (same thing really I guess)